Friday, April 24, 2009

Why the title?

I used to hate my be Eden is a sea of Cindys, Julies and Michelles sucked. People always called me Erin, Ethel, Edith - anything, it seemed, but the name I was born with. It was as if people could not wrap their brain around I began to say "like the garden" after I introduced myself and it work - people got it, it clicked.....

This is about wrapping your brain around something, getting it, clicking - about everything and nothing, and whatever lies in between. Its not so much about my life, my work, my family - I don't want to go there (and its pretty pedestrian, to be honest); instead, its just about my quirky observations on everyday occurrences.......thats all

1 comment:

  1. brava!

    in my head I if from the loud speaker..."and she's off!"
