Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How not to be a douche

Dear Jon

Just some friendly advice from a woman - don't go on national television and announce that you love your 22 year-old girlfriend of 5 minutes more than you ever did your ex wife. Yea, yea - we all know that Kate rode you like a bronco pony; however, you are not winning any points with such declarations. Also keep in mind that your children may have access to this information and how will this effect them? Right now, they are probably still comprehending that mommy and daddy don't live together anymore - do they need to know that daddy despises mommy and he loves Hailey more? I am so pleased that you decided to grow a set - just pace yourself as no one loves a douche bag. It didn't work for Tom Cruise ala post-Nicole Kidman - and he was Maverick.

A non-fan

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